

At Nantasket Point. Parade Starts From University Hall at 8.30.

Every Senior is expected to be in front of University Hall promptly at 8.30 o'clock this morning, in order that the class picnic may commence according to schedule. Tickets, at $1, covering all expenses, may be procured at Leavitt & Peirce's, the Union, and from the committee. After a parade around the Yard, headed by Kanrich's band, the class will march to the Square, where special cars will be in waiting, ready to leave at 9 o'clock for Central wharf, at the foot of State street, Boston. There the class will board the "Philadelphia", which will sail at 9.30 o'clock for Nantasket Point, During their trip the band will play, and refreshments will be served.

At the Point lobster and clam-bakes will be provided for lunch, and various athletic sports will be in order. There will be baseball games between the bachelors and married men and also between the Engineering and Mining Clubs. The boat will return to Boston at about 5.15 o'clock.

The following instructions of the committee may be of use:

1 Any who miss the special cars, can join the picnic by reaching Central wharf before 9.30 o'clock. Regular boats leave the wharf at 20 minutes past every hour during the day, and one-hour trains leave the South station at 10.45, 11.43, and 12.45 o'clock. Should any need to return early, there are electric cars from Nantasket at half after every hour, and trains at 2.20, 3.20, and 4.20 o'clock.

2 Rough clothes are to be worn.


3 Members of baseball teams should bring their own bats, balls and gloves.

Posters of the picnic, by H. D. Chandler, H. F. Kellogg, and R. Wheelwright, all of the Senior class, have been placed, one in Thurston's and two in Leavitt & Peirce's windows, and will be raffled off to Seniors and Freshmen at 10 cents a chance. The winners may keep the posters as souvenirs.

The committee on arrangements is as follows: R. Grant, Jr., chairman; J. R. Hooper, N. L. Tilney, C. E. Ware, Jr. The following men will act as officials for the day, and may obtain badges from the committee on arrangements:

Marshals--B. K. Stephenson, E. J. Dives, J. D. Eliot, F. A. Goodhue; baseball managers--J. D. Nichols, W. G. Graves, C. W. Wickersham.
