
Contents of June Monthly

The contents of the June number of the Monthly, the ninth and next to last issue of the College year, are as follows: "Athletic Duty", by N. Kelley '06; "The Agamemnon of Aeschylus", by C. T. Ryder '06; "And She I Love so well Is Dead", by H. Spencer Sp.; "Serge Witte", the Lloyd McKim Garrison prize poem for 1906, by R. E. Rogers '09; "Song of Fra Basilio", by H. Hagedorn, Jr., '07; "De Coelo", by J. H. Wheelock '08; "Thomas Hardy's The Return of the Native'", by W. L. Stoddard '07; "Shalott", by C. H. Dickerman '07; "Malcolm", by c. H. Dickerman '07; "Malcolm", by r. Altrocchi '08; "Freshmania", by M. Wertheim '06; "The Stadium", by C. T. Ryder '06; Editorial.
