The University lacrosse team easily defeated Hobart Saturday afternoon in the Stadium by a score of 10 to 2. The result of the game was due to the faster and more concerted attack, and the excellent stick play and passing, of the Harvard team. The team was further strengthened by the presence of D. P. Penhallow 4M., captain of the University team in 1903, who has been coaching the squad this year.
In the first half Harvard completely outclassed her opponents. The University attack kept the ball in Hobart's territory most of the time, Barber scoring the first goal after little more than a minute's play. Ackerman scored twice on long passes, the fourth goal was made in a scrimmage, and then Barber shot three more goals for the University. After Hobart had scored once, Penhallow made the eighth goal for Harvard.
In the second half, which lasted only 15 minutes, the University team were weakened by the absence of Barber and Prizer, who were taken out for slight injuries. Harrison went in at point and the defense was moved up one place. No other man was put in, but Jennings, of Hobart, was taken out to offset the loss, and the game was continued with 11 men on a side. Sessa had scored twice for Harvard, and Riegel once for Hobart, when time was called.
The line-up:
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