
Officials for Track Meet

The officials for the track meet with Dartmouth on Saturday have been chosen as follows:

Referee--G. B. Morison '83.

Marshal--W. F. Garcelon L.'95.

Judges--J. L. Bremer '96, J. W. Hallowell '01, E. K. Hall, D., I. J. French, D., L. G. Hodgkins, D.

Timers--S. M. Merrill '94, N. W. Bingham '95, C. E. Bolser, D., E. M. Hopkins, D.


Starter--H. C. McGrath.

Field Judges--E. H. Clark '96, A. N. Rice '00, E. C. Potter, D., C. G. McDavitt, D.

Measurers--C. S. Tilden '98, F. W. Bird '04, J. H. Wentworth, D., A. Marshall, D.

Inspectors--J. E. Haigh '03, W. A. Colwell '02, P. Dana '04, F. H. Bigelow '98, S. Chase, D., P. F. Drew, D., J. W. Bartlett, D., J. C. O'Connor, D., G. E. Dow, D.

Managers--D. S. Waring, D., W. G. Graves '06.

Clerk of Course--J. J. Rowe '07.

Assistant Clerks of Course--H. Foster '07, J. T. Gilman, D.

Scorers--S. K. Becker '06, J. H. Ijams '07.

Announcer--L. I. Neale '06.
