
Brooks House Business Meeting

There will be a special meeting of the Phillips Brooks House Association in the Parlor of Phillips Brooks House next Monday at 7 o'clock, to consider a proposed amendment to article 4 of the constitution, which reads as follows:

"The officers shall be a president, a secretary, a treasurer, and six vice-presidents, one of whom shall be a vice-president at large, and five of whom shall represent the five organizations now active in the Brooks House."

The proposed change is intended to admit to the cabinet of the Phillips Brooks House Association representatives from the newly organized societies in the Divinity and Dental Schools. As amended the article will read:

"The officers shall be a president, a vice-president, a secretary, a treasurer, and seven vice-presidents, one of whom shall be a vice-president at large, and six of whom shall severally represent the following organizations: the Harvard Christian Association, the St. Paul's Catholic Club, the St. Paul's Society, the Social Service Committee, the Harvard Divinity Club, and the Dental School branch of the Brooks House Association."
