
Alphas Defeated Incognitos, 12 to 2

The Alphas won the Leiter Cup championship yesterday afternoon by defeating the Incognitos on Soldiers Field by the score of 12 to 2.

The Alphas won by their superior and more timely batting, securing 12 hits, of which one was a home run. Brennan, who pitched for the Alphas, had better control than Smith, the Incognitos' pitcher, striking out ten men and allowing only seven scattered hits. There were several doubtful decisions by the umpires, which gave the Alphas more runs than they really earned, but as they clearly outclassed their opponents, it did not affect the result of the game.


This evening at 8.30 o'clock the captains of the Alphas, Incognitos, Caveat Emptors, Down and Outs, Yewbee-dammes, Backwoodsmen, Waverlys, and Mugwumps, the eight teams which reached the second round of the series will meet Captain Stephenson in the CRIMSON office to select the All-Leiter team which will play the second nine on Monday.
