
1909 Won Lacrosse with Columbia

The Freshman lacrosse team defeated the Columbia freshmen on Soldiers Field last Saturday by the score of 9 to 1. Throughout the game the Freshmen kept up a persistent attack, while superior stick work as well as accurate shooting enable them to keep the ball about Columbia's goal. Devereux played an excellent game for the Freshmen, shooting four goals out of the nine, while Mellitzer excelled for Columbia.

The line-up: HARVARD 1909.  COLUMBIA 1909. Sheip, g.  g., Baragwanath Devereux, l.h.  p., Frott Kibbey, o.h.  e.p., Arkush Smith, 1a.  1d., Turpin Cobb, 2a.  2d., Lunck Viets, 3a.  3d., Streeter Morgan, c.  c., Fogel Cochran, 3d.  3a., Mellitzer, Nightman Stevens, Arey, 2d.  2a., Blaigh Porter, 1d.  1a., Golden Eisner, e.p.  o.h., Kudlich White, Morse, Gillette, Lewis, p.  i.h., Bliss
