
Commencement Speakers Chosen

As a result of the trials for Commencement Parts, held in Sanders Theater on Thursday afternoon, the following speakers have been chosen: undergraduate parts--Latin: O. J. Todd '06, "At haec studia adulescentiam alunt, senectutem oblectant", Cicero, Pro Arch.; English: A. E. Wood '06, "Faith, the Principle of Theological Reconstruction"; graduate part--G. T. Stephenson 2G., "Race Distinctions"; Law School part--A. Fox 3L., "Compensation for Accidental Injuries to Workingmen"; Medical School part--R. M. Green 4M., "Modern Ideals in Medicine." In addition to these there is likely to be a Divinity School part.

The judges, members of the Standing Committee on Commencement Parts, were: Dean Briggs, chairman and Professors J. H. Wright, F. J. Stimson '76, W. W. Fenn '84 and B. Wyman '96.
