
1909 Musical Clubs in Brookline

The Freshman Glee, Banjo and Mandolin Clubs will give their second concert at 8 o'clock this evening in Whitney Hall, Brookline. An informal dance will be held after the concert.

The following program has been arranged:

Tickets, at $1 each, may be obtained at the Co-operative or at the door.

The Freshman Musical Clubs will hold two more concerts this spring: on May 23, in Newton Club Hall, Newtonville, and on May 29, in Academy Hall, Salem. PART I. 1 "The Mulligan Musketeers",  Atkinson '91 Glee Club. 2 "Sorella",  Borel-Clere Mandolin Club. 3 "Coons' Caprice",  Titcomb '06 Banjo Club. 4 "Rhine Wine Song",  Zollner Glee Club. 5 Medley from "The Pearl and the Pumpkin",  Trinkhaus Mandolin Club. PART II. 6 "Colored Tea Party",  Lansing Banjo and Mandolin Clubs. 7 "Wot Cher"  Ingle Glee Club. 8 Medley from "Peter Piper",  Lansing Banjo Club. 9 "La Faute des Roses",  Berger Mandolin Club. 10 "Fair Harvard"  Gilman '11 Glee Club.
