
Second Class Crews to Race at 4.15

The second class crews will race at 4.15 o'clock this afternoon over the 1 and 7-8 mile course up stream from the Union Boat Club to Longwood bridge.

The second Sophomores appear to have the best chance of winning as they have been rowing in the same order for the past fortnight and show plenty of life. The second Seniors have been handicapped by irregularity of practice, while the orders of the second Junior and Freshman crews have been frequently changed.

Below are given the orders, that of the Freshmen being uncertain:

Second Seniors--Stroke. Wright: 7. Pierpont: 6. Lincoln: 5. Cook: 4. Appel: 3. Holmes: 2. Strauss: bow. Warren: cox., deMilhau.

Second Juniors--Stroke. Bailey: 7. Lane: 6. Whitney: 5. Dearborn: 4. Evans: 3. Woodbury: 2. Lanahan: bow. Durant: cox., Linaberry.


Second Sophomores--Stroke, Henry: 7. Harding: 6. Homaus: 5. Parker: 4. Phillips: 3. Swain: 2. Short: bow, Moot, cox., Montgomery.

Second Freshmen--Stroke. Kemp: 7. Wood: 6. Butler: 5. Kennard: 4. Crowell: 3. Ranfstaengl: 2. Williams: bow. E. Cutler: cox., Galatti.
