Yesterday's games in the Leiter Cup series resulted as follows: Yewbee dammes 22, Humpty-Dumpties 2: Waverley's 15, Skidoos 11. The game between the Earthquakes and the Mugwumps which was won by the former by the score of 6 to 3 was protested and awarded to the Mugwumps.
On account of a game between the Harvard and Yale men in the Law School: this afternoon in which most of the players on the Caveat Emptors team will take part the provisional schedule pointed in yesterday's CRIMSON has been changed so that the following two games will be played on Soldiers Field at 4 o'clock this afternoon: on east diamond-Down and Outs vs. Liduffers on west diamond-incognitos vs. Grape Nuts.
Tomorrow the Caveat Emptors will play the Squabs, and the Waverley's will play the Mugwumps.
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Class Golf Championship Monday