

Twenty-four Offered Exclusive of Those in Comparative Literature.

As announced by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences there will be 24 new courses next year beside those in the Department of Comparative Literature.

There will be four new courses in German. Professor Francke will give German 7 2hf. on Goethe's Faust and German 11a hf., dealing with the early romantic movement in Germany, and Professor H. S. White will give German 17 1hf. and 20d 2hf.

In History, Professor Macvane will give History 20j on recent English History. Mr. R. M. Johnston will give History 28, which deals with the rise of the Prussian monarchy from the Great Elector to the present day, and History 32 1hf. on European and American warfare of the nineteenth century. History 34 1hf., "Christian Institutions, historically and comparatively considered", will be given by Professor Platner of the Andover Theological Seminary, and History of Religions 1hf. "Introduction to the Study of Religions", by Professor G. F. Moore.

Two new courses in Mathematics will be given, one, Mathematics 26 on Line Geometry, by Dr. Coolidge: the other, Mathematics 21 1hf. on methods of interpolation, and approximation, by Professor Bocher.

Professor Hart and Assistant Professor Munro will give Government 20c, a course on American institutions, and Professor Stimson Government 20f., "Constitutional Protection to Private Rights."


Engineering 16g 2hf., which deals with elementary alternating currents and alternating current machinery, will be given by Professor Kennelly, and Engineering 1e, which includes Trigonometry, Algebra and Analytic Geometry, by Assistant Professor Love.

Anthropology 20c, a course in Central American and Mexican hieroglyphic and picture writing, will be given by Dr. Tozzer.

Professor Norton will give Education 20b "History of Education", and Mr. Allard French 16. "Drama in the Nineteenth Century."

Two new subjects will be taught in English: English 48 2hf. on Browning by Professor Briggs, and English 49 1hf. on Shakespere by Professor Neilson.

Professor Harris will give Greek 17 2hf. including four Greek plays.

Philosophy 19 2hf., "Philosophy of Religion", will be given by Professor E. C. Moore.

A new Latin course, Latin 14 1hf...dealing with Cicero's correspondence, will be given by Professor M. Warren Porestry 8 hf., a course on forest technology, will also be given next year.

Owing to the death of Dean Shaler the courses known as Geology 14 and 28 of the Department of Geology and Geography will be discontinued. The lectures in Geology 4 will be given next year by Professors Davis, Wolff, Wood worth, and Jaggar. Assistant Professor Woodworth will have general charge of the course.

It has been decided that no Summer Camp in History will be held this year.
