

At Philadelphia Today.--Good Practice Yesterday.--Castle or Greene to Pitch.

The University baseball team will play the University of Pennsylvania at 3 o'clock this afternoon on Franklin Field, Philadelphia. The scores of the more important baseball games played by Pennsylvania this year are: Pennsylvania 5, Yale 4; Pennsylvania 1, Princeton 5; Pennsylvania 3, Columbia 4; Pennsylvania 8, Amherst 11. Judging from the score of the last game, which was played on Tuesday, the University team should win today, as it defeated Amherst 2 to 1 on May 2.

The team arrived in good condition at the Hotel Aldine in Philadelphia yesterday noon and held an hour's practice on Franklin Field before being stopped by rain. Snyder and Slater pitched in the 40-minute batting practice. The men hit the ball hard and placed bunts neatly, and the fielders played with spirit. Fielding on the diamond followed for 20 minutes, during which the work was lively and accurate. Stephenson threw to bases, in clean form and Burr at first base covered his position well. The out-fielding was fast and sure.

The batting orders for the game this afternoon are as follows: HARVARD.  PENNSYLVANIA. Leonard, 3b.  2b., Keinath Stephenson, c.  r.f., Webb Dexter, l.f.  l.f., Adams Burr, 1b.  s.s., Yerkes Hellmann, c.f.  c., Hare McCall, 2b.  1b., Graybill McCarty, r.f.  3b., Thomas Harvey, s.s.  c.f., Judd Castle, Greene, p.  p., Hay, Fennell
