
Officials for 1909 Track Meet

The officials for the Freshman track meet with Brookline High School tomorrow have been chosen as follows:

Referee--J. E. Haigh '03.

Marshal--W. F. Garcelon L. '95.

Judges--W. A. Colwell 5G., M. H. Stone '07, L. P. Dodge '08.

Timers--F. M. Wood, E. J. Dives '06, G. Lowman, C. Marshall '04.


Starter--P. Dana 2L.

Field Judges--W. Peirce '07, H. E. Kersburg '06, J. F. Doyle '07, W. Minot '07.

Measurer--R. P. Boyer '07, S. P. Henshaw '07, W. B. Long '07, C. C. Nash '07.

Inspectors--A. S. Cobb '07, A. M. Harlow '07, S. T. Hubbard, Jr., '07, W. G. Howard '07.

Clerk of Course--G. A. Leland '07.

Assistant Clerks of Course--R. S. Marshall, R. Floyd.

Scorer--J. H. Ijams '07.

Announcer--C. W. Short '08.

Those who cannot serve will please notify J. J. Rowe, Weld 16, before 7 o'clock this evening.
