
Greek Play Libretto on Sale Today

Copies of the libretto of Aeschylus' "Agamemnon" will be placed on sale today at the Co-operative, Sever's, and Thurston's; in Boston at Herrick's and the W. B. Clarke Company; and early next week may be bought in New York from Brentano, 5 Union square and from Tyson and Company, Fifth Avenue Hotel: in Philadelphia from John J. McVoy, 1229 Arch street; in Chicago from E. L. Cornell, University Theatre Agency, University of Chicago.

The libretto, by W. W. Goodwin '51, Eliot Professor of Greek Literature, Emeritus, contains a summary of the other two plays which deal with the continuation of the story, a revised text, and a translation which has been made as literal as possible with a view to its use at the presentation of the play in June. The pamphlet is made up of 151 pages of octavo size and costs 50 cents in paper covers, 75 cents in cloth.
