
Greek Play Tickets

Application blanks for tickets to the Greek play, the Agamemnon of Aeschylus, to be given in the Stadium on June 16 and 19, have been sent to all holders of the Harvard A.B. degree. In case of rain on June 16, the first performance will be postponed to June 18; and in case of rain on June 19, the second performance will be postponed to June 20.

Those who receive announcements may order tickets (at $2 each) for themselves and their friends on application to Dr. G. H. Chase, Grays 24. Applications will be filled in the order in which they are received, and should reach Cambridge before May 30. Applicants for tickets are requested to enclose addressed and stamped envelopes with their applications.

After June 1, tickets will be sold to the public at the following places: in Cambridge at the Co-operative, Sever's, and Thurston's; in Boston at Herrick's; in New York at Tyson & Company, Fifth Avenue Hotel; in Philadelphia from John J. McVey, 1229 Arch street; in Chicago from H. W. Waterfall, Palmer House, and E. L. Cornell, University Theatre Agency, University of Chicago.

Tickets not disposed of prior to the date of the performances may be purchased at the Stadium.

Copies of the Libretto, containing a Greek text and a translation by Professor W. W. Goodwin '51, will be placed on sale (price, in paper, 50 cents; in cloth, 75 cents) on or before May 10.


Students in any department of the University may obtain tickets for themselves and their friends on the same terms as graduates, by applying on the regular application blanks to Dr. G. H. Chase, Grays 24, before May 30. Application blanks and copies of the announcement of the play may be found at the Union, the Co-operative, Sever's, Thurston's, and Leavitt & Peirce's.

Besides the two regular performances there will be a dress rehearsal on Thursday, June 14, at 2.30 o'clock. At this rehearsal no seats will be reserved, but any student in the University may obtain a ticket for his own use at Sever's, any time before June 14. The price of these tickets is $1. In case of rain on June 14, the dress rehearsal will be postponed to Friday, June 15
