
Lacrosse Team Won Practice Game

In a practice game played Saturday afternoon on Soldiers Field the University lacrosse team defeated a team made up of graduates and substitutes by a score of 5 to 0. At times the team work of the University players was good, but for the most part the men played individual games. The men also showed a bad tendency to use only one hand on the stick in picking up the ball from the ground. However, as this was the first time this season that the University team has had an opportunity to line up against a complete team the work was fairly encouraging.

The line-up was: UNIVERSITY TEAM.  GRADUATES. Daniels, Cox, g.  g., Gugenheimer Barber, i.h.  p., Wynne Ackerman, o.h.  c.p., Harrison Mendell, 1a.  1d., Marsters Comey, 2a.  2d., Stevenson Vance, 3a.  3d., Thomas Francis, c.  c., Porter, Linsley Prizer, 3d.  3a., Cobb Rand, 2d.  2a., Merritt Rice, 1d.  1a., Taylor White, 1d.  o.h., Sessa Beal, p.  i.h., Smith

Score--Harvard, 5; Graduates, 0. Goals--Ackerman 2, Prizer, Mendell, Barber. Referee--Penhallow 4M. Time--15 and 10 minute periods.
