On Friday afternoon will be held the annual spring handicap games on Soldiers Field. Over 230 entries have already been made for these events and a much larger number will probably be entered before the games. Cups will be given as prizes for first and second places.
Entries, which must be made in the blue book at the Locker Building, will close on Wednesday afternoon at 5 o'clock. All men who expect to compete in the games Friday must take a physical examination which may be had in the Gymnasium either today or tomorrow between 2 and 4 o'clock.
The training table at the Union will begin a week from Wednesday for track men; and all men who have won the "H" and all those who do well in the handicap games will be taken on as members. Track candidates who leave College during the holidays will be expected to return for work a week from Wednesday. During the week track candidates will report at the following times: broad and high jumpers from 11 to 1; sprinters from 3 to 3.30; hurdlers from 3.30 to 4; half-milers from 4 to 4.30; milers and two-milers from 4.30 on.
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