
Good Prospects for Golf Team

About 30 men have signified their intention of coming out for the golf team this spring, and, as many are experienced players, the prospects for a strong team are very good.

Candidates for, the team will be called out immediately after the spring recess. Arrangements are now being made to secure the use of the courses at the Brookline Country Club for practice for all the men, instead of dividing them between the Brookline Country Club and the Oakley Golf Club, as formerly.

The individual and class championship matches will be played over the Brookline Country Club course during the third week in May. An entrance fee of $1 will be charged for the individual matches, and gold and silver medals will be awarded to the winner and runner-up, respectively.

A schedule of matches is being arranged for the University team, which will probably include matches with the Fall River Golf Club, Massachusetts State Golf Association, Wollaston Golf Club, Agawam Hunt Club of Providence, and the Brookline Country Club.
