
Spring Clothing Collection Begins

The annual spring clothing collection by the Social Service Committee of the Phillips Brooks House Association will take place during this week. A collector will canvass each dormitory for all sorts of clothing, and for books and periodicals. The whole collection will be gathered by wagon next Monday and Tuesday.

Besides clothing and miscellaneous books and magazines, it is desired to secure text and reference books of every kind. Men who have text books which they will not use again are asked to contribute them for a loan library which is to be started in Phillips Brooks House for the benefit of men who cannot afford to buy all the books needed in their courses.

The text-books collected in this way will be made ready during the summer for use next fall. They will be loaned for the duration of a course, on payment of a small deposit.

The clothing will be sent to Tuskegee Institute and other schools in the South, to the Toombs School, New York City, and to charitable institutions in Boston and Cambridge. The miscellaneous books and magazines will be distributed among hospitals, homes, and sailors' havens.

Men living in private houses, who have articles to give, or any men not visited by the collectors, are asked to send word as soon as possible by postal to C. Woodman '07, Wadsworth 7, giving address and time at which the wagon should call.


Last fall cases of clothing and periodicals were distributed among the following organizations: Tuskegee Institute, Alabama; Seamen's Friends Society, Boston; Morgan Memorial, Boston; St. Vincent de Paul, South Boston; Cambridge Associated Charities; St. James's Parish, North Cambridge; Newspaper Hospital, Boston; Cambridge Hospital; Holy Ghost Hospital, Cambridge; T. Wharf Sailors' Reading Room, Boston.
