

Arrangements for Dual Meet.--Handicap and Class Games Postponed.

The arrangements for the dual meet with Dartmouth, to be held in Cambridge on Saturday, May 5, have been practically completed. No uniform rule of eligibility will be regarded, but entries will be made from each college according to its own rules. The order of events will be in all respects similar to that of the dual meet with Yale, and points for first, second and third places will be counted 5, 3 and 1, respectively. In the Yale meet, however, second place will secure 2 instead of 3 points. The officials will be chosen entirely from Harvard and Dartmouth graduates. As far as the arrangements have proceeded they will be as follows:

Referee--Mr. G. B. Morison '83.

Marshal--Mr. W. F. Garcelon L.'95.

Judges at finish--Two Dartmouth graduates and one Harvard graduate, to be appointed later.

All other officials for the meet will be announced at a future date.


Owing to the poor condition of the track, it has been decided to postpone the annual spring handicap games from next Saturday until Friday, April 13. Consequently the class games, which were scheduled for the same date, will be postponed until after the Easter recess, and will probably take place on April 27 or 28. On April 28 the annual carnival of the University of Pennsylvania will be held at Philadelphia, and all men from the University who enter these events will not be allowed to compete in the class games. It is expected that during the next week or two a dual meet will be arranged between a Freshman track team and some minor team of the vicinity.

For the past few days the track squad has been working steadily on the Stadium track. Special attention has been devoted to hurdling, as the men who are entered for this event lack actual experience, and until Friday have only been able to practice their stride. The sprinters have been given short distance runs, while the milers and two-milers have been sent around the track for five laps.

Last Saturday afternoon the first of the hammer-throwing and shot-putting contests was held on Soldiers Field and despite a high wind some very good distances were made, B. T. Stephenson '08 putting the shot 43 feet. Kersburg, however, failed to equal his hammer-throwing of last week, both as regards form and distance.

The summary follows:

Putting 16-pound shot--Won by B. T. Stephenson '08, scratch, distance 43 feet; second, W. A. Hanley '07, scratch, distance, 40 ft. 9 in.; third, M. McLeod '08, 8 ft., distance, 39 ft. 4 in.

Throwing 16-pound hammer--Won by H. E. Kersburg '06, scratch, distance, 116 ft. 3 in.; second, W. Peirce, 15 ft., distance, 112 ft. 11 1-2 in.; third, H. M. Gilmore '08, 15 ft., distance, 110 ft. 5 in.
