

$100 Already Subscribed.--Committees Organized to Canvass Dormitories.

At the mass meeting for the relief of the San Francisco sufferers, held last night in the Living Room of the Union, B. K. Stephenson '06 recounted very briefly the frightful condition of the citizens after the catastrophe and the inadequacy of the funds already sent from cities all over the country. R. H. Oveson '05 called attention to the usual readiness of Harvard men to respond liberally and without ostentation to appeals for help, as was evinced in the case of the recent Japan Famine Fund. There is now an opportunity to lend our aid nearer home. No enthusiastic mass meeting is necessary. Without any ostentation the University should be proud to contribute a generous sum.

Stephenson then announced the plan for collecting subscriptions, Five men appointed from each class will canvass the dormitories, and for the sake of those who fail to see any of these men, subscription boxes will be placed today in the Union, Leavitt & Peirce's, the Law School, Memorial and Randall Halls. Last night $100 was subscribed.

The committees appointed are as follows:

1906--B. K. Stephenson, chairman; R. Grant, Jr., A. N. Holcombe, D. A. Newhall, C. E. Ware, Jr. 1907--J. D. White, chairman; H. W. Nichols, H. P. Forte, W. C. Brinton, C. W. Cate. 1908--G. G. Bacon, chairman; M. Allen, C. W. Burton, H. Channing, E. T. Witherby. 1909--F. H. Burr, chairman; T. C. Defriez, S. Kelly, J. A. Locke, E. T. Wentworth.
