
Henry Loomis Nelson to Lecture at 8

Professor Henry Loomis Nelson, L.H.D., of Williams College, will deliver a lecture on "George William Curtis in his Relation to Civil Service Reform" at 8 o'clock this evening in the New Lecture Hall.

Professor Nelson was one of the leaders in the organization of the National Civil Service Reform League, of which George William Curtis was the first president. He was a warm personal friend of Mr. Curtis, and is now preparing his biography. Professor Nelson is a prominent authority on current political matters, and is a frequent contributor to periodicals and newspapers on national topics, being special political correspondent for the Boston Herald. He was the Washington correspondent of the Boston Post for some time, and later became editor of that paper. From 1894 to 1898 he was editor-in-chief of Harper's Weekly. Since 1902 he has been professor of political science at Williams College, and is a member of the Civil Service Reform League, the American Institute of Arts and Letters, and several other similar organizations. The best known of his books on economic questions are "Our Unjust Tariff Law" and "The Money We Need."
