

In the Stadium on Friday Afternoon.-Rules, Class Captains and Officials.

The interclass track games originally scheduled for next Saturday, will be held on Friday afternoon instead, on account of the baseball game with Dartmouth on Saturday. Entries for the games may be made in the blue book, which was placed in the Locker Building yesterday, and all entries must be made before tomorrow at 5 o'clock.

In each event the first three undergraduates to finish will receive class numerals. First place in each event will count five points, second place three, and third place one. Graduate students may compete, and those who win first or second places will receive cups. The first two undergraduates to finish in each event will also receive prizes, as if no graduate students were competing.

Since Wednesday regular practice has been held on the track in the Stadium. The weather conditions have been excellent and as a result the track is firm and hard. On Wednesday 18 men reported at the training table in the Union and a considerable number of others also returned for work. In all 24 men have been taken to the training table, and no more will be added probably until after the class games.

On account of the interclass meet Friday and the Dartmouth meet a week from Saturday, it has been thought best not to send any men on the trip to Philadelphia for the annual relay races held under the auspices of the University of Pennsylvania.

The following have been appointed from each class to act as captains in the interclass games: 1906-H. M. Turner; 1907-M. H. Stone; 1908-L. P. Dodge; 1909-T. C. Defriez.



The list of officials is as follows:

Marshal-W. F. Garcelon '95.

Referee-E. H. Clark '96.

Judges-P. Dana 2L., F. W. Bird 3L., W. A. Colwell 5G., J. E. Haigh 3L.

Starter-H. C. McGrath of the Charlesbank Gymnasium.

Timers-S. M. Merrill '94, F. M. Wood of the B. A. A., Coach Lathrop.

Field judges-J. D. Stone 1L., E. M. Sawyer '05, L. Grilk '04, F. M. Murphy 2L., H. G. Beyer '06, P. E. Dutcher '08.

Measurers-C. R. D. Meier '06, T. S. Farrelly '06, J. D. Eliot '06, J. D. White '07.

Inspectors-A. Peterson 2D., R. S. Townsend '07, H. Foster, Jr., '07, N. W. Brigham '95.

Clerk of course-W. G. Graves '06.

Assistant clerks-J. J. Rowe '07, H. W. Nichols '07.

Scorer-S. K. Becker '06.

Announcer-L. I. Neale '06.

Any men who cannot serve will please notify W. G. Graves, 28 Plympton street, before 6 o'clock tonight.
