During the five weeks that the upperclass crews have been out on the river the improvement has been steady and the crews are lengthening the distances. The weather conditions of the past two weeks have been favorable and the men have had the added benefit of coaching from the "Veritas", the Seniors and Sophomores by Rice three days in the week and the Juniors by Stephenson the rest of the time.
The Seniors have not rowed twice together in the same order this week, and it is therefore difficult to form a just estimate of their progress. The Junior crew has developed excellent time but, being troubled as well as the Seniors by exceeding irregularity of men reporting, has not rowed in the same order two days in succession. On Thursday they rowed over the 1 and 7-8 mile course, for the second time this year; in fairly satisfactory time. The Junior training table will start the day after the vacation.
Yesterday the only class crew to go out was the first Sophomore eight, which paddled over the 1 and 7-8 mile course and came back in the launch. In spite of a head wind and rough water the boat ran smoothly and spaced well.
The Freshman crews have been rowing on the river during the past eight weeks and through earnest effort under Wray's coaching the worst faults have been eradicated. As a whole, however, the form of the first crew is exceedingly ragged, although the order has remained the same since Monday. This is due to the lack of a suitable stroke who combines a long enough reach to afford the men behind him an opportunity for a strong sweep. Cable, Ellis, Faulkner and Williams have been tried there successively, but none, of them has proved satisfactory.
The usual day's row has been downstream into the basin but owing to the strong wind during the last few days, the crews have gone up-stream to the Brighton bridge. In addition to this yesterday they rowed down-stream as far as the Longwood bridge and back. This afternoon all three crews will row at 2 o'clock and will probably be given a short race. The third crew will then disband except for four men who will be retained with the first two crews. The training table will probably be started the last of April with 12 men.
The orders follow:
First Freshman crew-Stroke, Williams; 7, Rackemann; 6, Lunt; 5, Kennard; 4, Crandall; 3, Faulkner; 2, Severance; bow, E. Cutler; cox., Whitney.
Second Freshman crew-Stroke, J. Cutler; 7, Ellis; 6, Kelly; 5, Hanfstaengl; 4, Mulligan; 3, Cable; 2, Crowell; bow, Roche; cox., Galatti.
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