
Yale Letter

At last the condition of the Field has made it possible for the baseball team to practice outdoors, and much improvement may already be seen. The games played during the week resulted as follows: Yale, 4, Tufts, 0; Yale, 0, Amherst, 1; Yale, 3, New York National League, 10. In these games, the university team played well at times, but lack of practice was apparent. Some new pitching material has been found in the freshman class, and as all but one of last year's pitchers are back again that department is exceptionally bright.

The university crews are rowing regularly at the harbor, but no very long courses have been covered yet. The freshman and upperclass crews are also at the harbor making a total of 18 or 20 Yale shells on the water every day. The university training table was started last week with the following men: Boulton. Biglow, Chase, Graham, Morse (capt.), Noyes, Rogers, Weeks. The freshman table is made up as follows: Brooks, Dominick, Howe, Mayer, Peyton, Rice, Robbins, Stokes, Webb.

A Rugby football game was played yesterday with a team of graduates from English schools and colleges. The Yale team consisted of members of last year's football squad. As the Yale team knew practically nothing about the game, and the Englishmen had never played together before, the game was rather ragged and uncertain.

The freshman debating team was defeated by Princeton '09, who upheld the negative of the question, "Resolved, That the principle of intervention enunciated in the pending treaty with San Domingo should be rejected by the United States." The question submitted by Princeton for their annual debate with Yale is, "Resolved, That a bachelor's degree should be required for admission to any law school controlled by a university." The following stipulations are made: (1) "Required" means that this should be the regular rule, without prejudice, however, to the right of a law faculty, to admit, in exceptional cases, students who do not possess a bachelor's degree; (2) by a "law school controlled by a university", is meant a school whose policy and methods are determined by the trustees of the university. The debate will be held at Princeton on May 18 and the choice of sides will be made public by the Yale team on April 18.

"Henry, the Fourth, Part I", was acted with great success by the Dramatic Association on Tuesday and Wednesday at the Hyperion Theatre.


Since the advent of the warm meather, the track team has been hard at work at the Field. Some good material is being developed from the freshman class. Final contests for the Willisbrook Cups are being held, and the awards will be announced shortly.

The University association football team will play Pennsylvania in its third game of the season on Soldiers Field tomorrow afternoon at 2.30 o'clock.
