

Services in Appleton Chapel.--Undergraduate Representatives.--Complete Plans.

The funeral of Dean Shaler will be held in Appleton Chapel this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Bishop Lawrence '71 will officiate and the following will act as honorary pall-bearers: President Eliot '53, Dr. H. P. Walcott '58, Professor C. E. Norton '46, Professor C. H. Toy h. '04, Professor G. H. Palmer '64, Professor W. M. Davis '69, Professor D. G. Lyon h.'01, Professor Josiah Royce, Professor J. E. Wolff '79, Professor J. L. Love h.'90. The interment, which will be private, will take place at the Mt. Auburn Cemetery immediately after the funeral services.

At the meetings of the four undergraduate classes, held last night in Upper and Lower Massachusetts, it was decided that the entire undergraduate body, both of the College and of the Scientific School, should assemble just before the funeral services and thus express its appreciation of the great and noble work performed by Dean Shaler while connected with the University, and extend its most heartfelt sympathy to his family. The order of the ceremonies as given below will strictly be followed in order to facilitate the carrying out of the funeral services.

The whole body of undergraduates will assemble by classes at 2.30 o'clock in the following places: The Senior class will meet directly in front of Dean Shaler's house; the Junior class just to the south of President Eliot's house along the board walk; the Sophomore class in front of the entrance of Gore Hall, and the Freshman class directly back of University Hall. At 2.40 o'clock the classes will form continuous lines facing each other; the Seniors from Dean Shaler's house up to the entrance of the Yard at the corner of the Union; the Juniors on either side of the board-walk leading to Gore Hall, and the Sophomores and Freshmen taking their places in two continuous lines from the entrance of Gore Hall to Appleton Chapel.

At 2.50 o'clock the body will be carried from the house by the undergraduate bearers, consisting of the following men, two from each class: 1906--J. D. Nichols and J. M. Montgomery; 1907--H. Foster and J. D. White; 1908--G. Emerson and G. G. Bacon; 1909--S. Kelly and S. D. Bush. These in turn will be followed by fifteen men chosen as representatives from each class; their names are printed in the Notice Column this morning.

The procession will continue between the two lines of undergraduates from Dean Shaler's to Appleton Chapel, where it will be met by Bishop Lawrence and the honorary pall-bearers. Special seats in the front part of the Chapel will be reserved for the immediate family, for the pall-bearers, for members of the Faculties and their families, and for the representatives from each class. After the procession has entered the Chapel, there may possibly will be room for others, and as many as possible will be admitted. The services will not last over twenty minutes and all those who are unable to obtain seats are requested to form again in two unbroken lines extending from the Chapel door and continuing around the south end of Thayer to the Johnston Gate.


The classes will then disband.
