
Mr. Quincy's Lecture Yesterday

Mr. Josiah Quincy '80, ex-mayor of Boston, made an address under the auspices of the Political Club in the Union last night on "Municipal Government."

The lecturer was able to touch on only a few of the multifarious phases of his subject. As the most interesting of these in the eyes of college men, the position which graduates can hold in the world of politics was his first topic. The advisability of becoming actively identified with political affairs cannot be affirmed by generalities, but must be decided according to the bent of the individual. It is the duty of every intelligent citizen, whether he take active part or not, to devote time and thought to the wise use of his vote. Politics, like charities, should begin at home.

In conclusion the lecturer spoke of the functions of the modern municipality. No limits should be imposed upon its functions, which should correlate to the needs of the public.
