A large number of Indian photographs in colors will be on exhibition for the rest of this week in the Periodical Room of the Union, through the courtesy of Mr. E. S. Curtis. Mr. Curtis, who has lectured several times before the Anthropological Society, has made a special study of Indian life and has visited all of the important tribes west of the Mississippi. He has been so successful in his work that Mr. J. P. Morgan has advanced the sum of $75,000 to aid in his research. The remarkable pictures that Mr. Curtis has obtained give a true and scientific view of the Indian life of the west, and nearly a hundred of these pictures have been placed in the Union for exhibition. A still larger number of which those in the Union are duplicates have been placed in the St. Botolph Club of Boston. Mr. Phillips, who has charge of the pictures, will be in the Union every evening from 7.30 until 10 o'clock.
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