
Fact and Rumor

Professor T. N. Carver is giving a series of weekly lectures, on Wednesdays, before the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, on "The Distribution of Wealth."

The University Musical Clubs will give their third spring concert this evening at Melrose Highlands under the auspices of the Melrose Highlands Congregational Church.

By the adjudication of certain chess games left unfinished in the matches of the Metropolitan Chess League, Harvard and the Paul Morphy Chess Club are tied for first place.

Professor T. W. Richards has received a grant of $2500, and Assistant Professor G. P. Baxter one of $1000, from the Carnegie Institution at Washington, for research work in chemistry.

Professor M. H. Morgan, who had an attack of pneumonia in February, has just returned from a southern trip. He has again taken up his courses, which, during his absence, were in charge of Professor A. L. Lowell.
