
Books Added to Union Library

The following books have been added to the Union Library during the past week:

"The Dawn of a Tomorrow," by F. H. Burnett.

"Religion, a Criticism and Forecast," by G. L. Dickinson.

"A Short History of Germany," by E. F. Henderson, '83.

"The Lewis and Clark Expedition," by R. Hitchcock, '77.


"Captains All," by W. W. Jacobs.

"In the Land of the Strenuous Life," by F. Klein.

"Individuality and Immortality," being the Ingersoll Lecture for 1906, by W. Ostwald.

"Foul Play," a drama, by D. Boucicault and C. Reade.

"The Real Triumph of Japan," by L. L. Seaman.

The following men have been elected regular editors of the Monthly: W. H. Gibson '06, R. Altrocchi '08, R. E. Rogers '09.

The University Glee, Mandolin and Banjo Clubs will give a concert at the Prospect Union this evening at 8 o'clock, open only to members of the society and their friends. No admission will be charged.
