
Lacrosse Practice Starts Today

Last night about 40 men handed in their names as candidates for the University and class lacrosse teams. Of last year's University team and substitutes only the following nine men are eligible again this season: A. W. Rice 1L., J. O. Bailey 1L., W. S. Mendell 1L., E. J. Wendell '07, R. J. Summers 1L., P. C. Ackerman '07, D. Sloan '06, F. W. Wead '07 and J. C. Prizer '07. There are, however, several promising men from last year's class teams, and several of the new men have displayed considerable ability in the preliminary practice which has been held daily during the past week.

From now on practice will be held every day in the handball courts behind the Gymnasium and occasionally on Divinity Field until Soldiers Field is in better condition. No games will be played until after the southern trip, which begins on April 13. This year a second team will be formed in order to help the development of the University team.

All candidates for the University and class teams should report today as follows: Freshmen and other new men at 4 o'clock in the handball courts, University players and experienced men at 4.45 in the same place. All men in the University who are physically able, and not engaged in other branches of athletics, are urged to come out, whether or not they attended the meeting last night.
