The class crews will be called out today and as many crews will be formed as possible. It has been decided to form no dormitory crews at present, as owing to the large number of University and Freshman eights there are not shells enough to accomodate all the dormitory crews. Besides this many of the Freshmen who rowed on the autumn dormitory crews are now on the class squad; and finally the class crews would not have sufficient time to develop if they were not organize until after Easter.
After the April recess either club or dormitory crews will be called out in addition to the first and second class crews; which will continue rowing until May 18, when the class races will take place. The Senior and Sophomore crews will row from the Weld boathouse, the Juniors and Freshmen from the Newell. Men who intend to row should engage lockers today in their respective buildings.
Four-Oar Organized.
The University and Freshman crews began their third week of rowing on the river yesterday. There are now enough extra men out to form a four-oar crew, which rowed yesterday for the first time this year. In the second boat Fish was put in at six in place of Richards, who was moved to four. Kellogg was changed from four to two, while G. Bacon was tried in the four oar. The University crew went down stream to the Magazine street beach, where smooth water was found.
The orders:
University crew--Stroke, Filley; 7, Guild; 6, R. Bacon; 5, Richardson; 4, Glass; 3, Emmons; 2, Tappan; bow, Flint; cox., Blagden.
Second crew--Stroke, Morgan; 7, Corbett; 6, Fish; 5, Montgomery; 4, Richards; 3, Warren; 2, Kellogg; bow, Wiggins; cox., Arnold.
Four-oar crew--Stroke, Ball; 3, Switzer; 2, G. Bacon; bow, Fahnestock; cox., Whitney.
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