
Freshman Class Dinner at 7

The annual dinner of the Freshman class will be held this evening at 7 o'clock at the American House. S. Kelly will act as toastmaster to the following toasts: "The Class," F. H. Burr; "Debating," O. L. M. H. Lyding; "The Press," J. A. Locker; "Athletics," F. Forchheimer; "The Musical Clubs," L. K. Lunt. The class song, the words to which have been written by A. S. Olmstead, 2nd, will be sung to the tune of "The Wearing of the Green."

Everyone who intends to go to the dinner must buy a ticket whether or not he is on the table list. The sale will be kept open until 11 o'clock at Butler's and at Thurston's. Lists of the table sittings have been printed, and will be distributed before the dinner so as to avoid all confusion in seating. An informal reception will be held in the hotel at 6.45 o'clock.
