
Ass'n Football Team Leaves Tonight

The association football team will play its first league game against Haverford at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon on the Haverford College grounds.

Although the team has had but four days of practice, it showed signs yesterday of an ability to play a consistent game.

The following men, who will compose the team, will leave for Philadelphia on the midnight train: B. H. Squires '06, captain, R. D. McLaurin 3G., A. W. Reggio '08, A. V. Kidder '08, C. G. Mayer 2L., W. T. S. Thackara '08, A. N. Reggio '07, G. A. Gordon '06, C. G. Osborne sC., G. D. Viets '08, R. J. Hunter '07.
