
$100,000 for Social Ethics Library

The new Social Ethics Library on the second floor of Emerson Hall was opened yesterday. Rooms have been fitted up through the special gift of an anonymous donor, who at the same time has supplied a fund of $100,000 to be known as the Francis Greenwood Peabody endowment. Expenses of the library, including the purchase of new books and other necessaries in the department, will be provided for from the interest of the fund. The library as well as the Social Museum is under the direction of Professor F. G. Peabody '69.

In addition to books, which have been in the reference library in Harvard Hall, there has now been added an extensive collection on the German imperial insurance system, which was presented to the Social Ethics Department by the Imperial Insurance Office of Germany; as well as a considerable collection given by the English, French and Italian governments. A number of new books have recently been added, and further purchases in the immediate future are contemplated.

The library will be open under the same regulations as the historical library in Harvard Hall: from 8.30 until 5 o'clock. Books may be drawn at 4, to be returned before 9 o'clock the following morning. Although the library is specially intended for men taking social ethics courses, members of courses in allied subjects will be allowed to use the books.
