
Boylston Prizes for Elocution

The final trials for the Boylston Prizes for Elocution and Oratory will be held in Sanders Theatre on Thursday, May 10, and the preliminary trials will be about a week earlier. The number of men retained at the trials will depend on the quality of the speaking, but will probably be between 10 and 16. Competitors should hand in their names to Dean Briggs, the Boylston Professor of Rhetoric and Oratory, on or before Thursday, April 26. The choice of a selection to be spoken should also be made by this date.

The prizes are for the speaking of selections from English, Greek, or Latin authors, and are open for competition to Juniors and Seniors in the College, according to the rating in the Catalogue. It is not customary to accept any selections which have been spoken at the final competitions during the three previous years. There are two first prizes of $60 each, and three second prizes of $45 each.
