At the Junior class dinner, which will be held at the American House on April 11 at 6.30 o'clock. The speakers will be J. D. white, who will talk on matters relating to the class, H. Foster, speaking probably on athletics, and J. H. Breck. Impromptu speeches will be called for from different members of the class. J. Reynolds will act as toastmaster.
The cost of the dinner will be $1.75 a plate and tickets may be obtained after April 1 from Leavitt & Peirce's from the Union, or from members of the following class dinner committee: J. Reynolds, F. C. Neiweg, R. B. Gregg, S. P. Henshaw, E. L. Burnham, D. W. Streeter.
Arrangements have been made to have a flashlight picture of the dinner taken, copies of which may be obtained from the committee.
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