
Crew Has First Long Row

The University crew had its firs long row of the season on Saturday, when it went over the 3 and 3-8 miles course from the Weld boathouse down-stream as far as the Union Boat Club.

This early beginning of hard work is part of the general plan to have the men in condition for the race with Cornell on May 25. The work Saturday was not a regular time trial, but was more for the purpose of strengthening the endurance of the men than of testing them. Saturday was the first time that Glass, Richardson, Emmons or Fish had ever rowed over the long course.

The work of the crew was quite satisfactory. Filley kept a moderately slow stroke until the last half-mile, and at the finish was rowing about 33 to the minute. The other men in the boat followed him well until the spurt when the blade work became ragged and several members of the crew rushed their slides. As a whole the crew rowed in good form. Arnold coxswained in Blagden's place.

The order:

Stroke, Filley; 7, Newhall; 6 R. Bacon; 5, Richardson; 4, Glass; 3, Emmons; 2, Fish; bow, Flint; cox., Arnold
