The twenty-ninth annual banquet of the Yale News was held on Friday evening, March 16. Over 100 guests were present, including President Hadley, Walter Camp, and representatives of the Daily Princetonian and the Harvard Crimson. B. Sands '06 acted as toastmaster. The following toasts were responded to: "The Retiring Board"; "The Incoming Board"; "The Harvard Crimson"; "The Daily Princetonian"; "The Alumni"; "Athletics"; "The Faculty"; "American Universities"; and "Yale".
Professor G. H. Palmer, of Harvard University, has just accepted the position of special Lecturer in Ethics for the coming year. Another faculty appointment of importance is that of Mr. H. R. Marshall of New York City as special Lecturer in Aesthetics and Psychology.
The university library has secured from the Law Library of the State of New York a large collection of State documents, numbering in all over 1000. Dr. L. D. Bulkeley, of the class of 1866, has presented the library with a number of medical books, including a complete file of the "Reports of the New York Skin and Cancer Hospital," in which he is interested. Through the generosity of Mr. Adolph Lewishon of New York City, the Biblical and Semitic Department of the university has received a valuable collection of Rabbinical books, which number about 70 volumes.
The net profits of the two entertainments given by the Japanese students of the University for the benefit of famine sufferers in Japan were about $500.
Baseball practice has been going on in the cage for about two weeks. The first game of the season is scheduled for next Wednesday, with Trinity College, but it is doubtful if the ground will be in condition for play on that date.
The university crew squad, consisting of three eights and a four-oar crew has been on the harbor for about a month and is improving steadily. The work of the class crews also shows steady progress
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