The American Historical Association has announced two prizes in History: the Justin Winsor Prize of $100 for the best unpublished monograph in the field of American history that shall be submitted to the Committee of Award on or before October 1, 1906; and the Herbert Baxter Ames Prize of $200 for the best unpublished monograph in the field of European History that shall be submitted to the Committee of Award on or before October 1, 1907.
Both prizes are intended for writers who have not yet published any considerable work or obtained an established reputation. Circulars containing further information about these prizes have been posted in the Reading Room of Gore Hall.
All manuscripts for the Winsor Justin Prize should be sent to Professor C. H. Hull, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., the chairman of the Committee of Award; and all manuscripts for the Herbert Baxter Ames Prize should be sent to Professor C. Gross, Cambridge, Mass., who is chairman of the committee in charge.
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