
Baseball Work During Week

The baseball practice of the past week has been of the same daily routine as formerly, and no more advanced work has been attempted in the limited space of the Cage. Further development is seriously handicapped by the cold weather and heavy snow, which will prevent outdoor practice for at least another week, and probably longer. It is very likely that the first game, scheduled for April 4, will have to be cancelled for this reason, and perhaps all the games scheduled to be played before the southern trip at Easter time.

All that can be attempted in the way of development in the Cage, has been done, however. The pitchers have been coached to acquire a good control and speed has been increased somewhat during the week. Although the men show the effects of the instruction in bunting, the heavy hitting has fallen off decidedly. Judgment has gone to the other extreme and brought out a tendency to let good balls pass.

In fielding the squad is still somewhat erratic, as many of the men have lost control of their throws to first base, and short passes to second in executing double plays. More detailed instruction in base-running has been given, with special reference to the proper play for the batter under varying conditions. In this practice one of the players coaches the runners from first base. After each day's work the squad takes, a short run inside the Cage.

A training table will be started in the Union on Monday for the following men: B. K. Stephenson '06, A. L. Castle 1L., H. A. Taylor '06, A. E. McCarty '07, N. K. Hartford '09, H. McCall '09, J. W. Simons '09, C. W. Harvey '09, C. R. Leonard '08, J. D. Pounds '08, R. R. Hellman '06, W. D. Dexter '07, E. P. Currier '09, T. L. Smith '08.
