
Fact and Rumor.

The association football game against Fort Warrens, Boston Harbor, scheduled for tomorrow, has been cancelled.

The Law School has engaged Mr. F. P. Vinton to paint the portraits of Professor J. Smith '56 and Professor J. C. Gray '59.

Under the auspices of the Pen and Brush Club, Mr. Clarence H. Blackall, architect of the new synagogue in Boston, will speak on "Jewish Art" this evening at 8 o'clock in Robinson Hall.

Another dormitory thief, J. H. Langley, of New York City, was sentenced last Wednesday to eight months in the House of Correction, for having perpetrated various minor thefts in Wadsworth House, Weld Hall and other dormitories.

Professor G. H. Palmer has accepted the position of Lecturer in Ethics at Yale University during the coming year. He will deliver one two-hour lecture each week, intended primarily for graduate students, on the general topic, "Systemization in Ethics."


The meeting of all candidates for the degrees of Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Science, Master of Arts, or Master of Science to elect marshals and committees, will be held in Harvard 1 next Thursday afternoon at 5 o'clock, instead of Tuesday as was previously announced.

The Chess Club has elected the following officers for the ensuing season: president, W. C. Cogswell '06; vice-president, E. G. Abbot '06; secretary and treasurer, F. D. Utley '08; fourth and fifth members of executive committee, G. T. McClure '06 and K. S. Johnson '07.
