
Freshman Debating Team Chosen

At the final trials to select the Freshman team to debate against Exeter in Upper Dane last night, G. C. Good, W. G. King, and A. C. Lurie were retained. R. C. Mulligan, F. Schenck, and E. T. Went worth will compose the second team, from which the alternate will be chosen by the coach shortly before the debate.

The judges at the trials last night were A. Tulin 3L., R. W. Kelso 2L., and G. J. Hirsch '07. I Dimond '09 presided.

The debate will take place at Exeter shortly after the April recess and will be on the subject: "Resolved, That the labor union principle of the closed shop is justifiable and should be supported." A. Tulin 3L. will coach the team.
