

[We invite all men in the University to submit communications on subjects of timely interest. The CRIMSON is not, however, responsible for the sentiments expressed in such communications as may be printed.]

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

In connection with your editorial of March 16 I should like to call attention to the series of informal talks on politics arranged for by the Political Club. The following speakers are to address the club: this evening, Mr. Seward W. Jones, who managed Mr. Draper's campaign for Lieutenant-Governor last fall; on Wednesday, March 28, Mr. E. C. Mansfield, the executive secretary of the Massachusetts Republican State Committee; on Wednesday, April 4, Mr. W. Rodman Peabody of the Massachusetts State Legislature.

The speakers secured are all men who have had practical experience in politics, and what they have to say will be of value to all who are interested in public affairs. All men who intend to do their share of political work will find in these meetings an excellent opportunity to become more familiar with actual political conditions.

Membership in the Political Club is open to all members of the University upon application to the secretary of the club, L. I. Neale, Holworthy 21. A. C. BLAGDEN '06.
