
Senior Class Notices

Photograph Sittings.

It is of the utmost importance that Seniors whose names begin with the first eight letters of the alphabet should make appointments with Tupper immediately. In less than two weeks the first lot of photographs will go to the engravers, and unless men obtain sittings right away, they will be left out. This week should finish up the whole alphabet. Men after receiving proofs should return them as soon as possible. The choice will be made for them if they fail to return the proofs. 1906 PHOTOGRAPH COMMITTEE.

Baccalaureate Hymn.

In order that the Class may have a creditable baccalaureate hymn, it is necessary that every Senior who has the ability to write verse should submit a hymn. Only one has been received. Information about the hymns of former years may be obtained from F. A. Goodhue, Westmorly 47, to whom all hymns must be sent before March 31.
