
Details of Freshman Class Dinner

At the Freshman class dinner, which will be held at the American House on Friday, March 30, at 7 o'clock, toasts will be responded to as follows: "The Class," F. H. Burr; "Athletics," F. Forchheimer; "The Press," J. A. Locke; "The Musical Clubs," L. K. Lunt; "Debating," O. L. M. H. Lyding. S. Kelly will act as toastmaster.

Tickets at $2 each may be obtained at the Union or at Thurston's before noon on Thursday, March 29. Parties of eight or sixteen, desiring to sit together at the dinner may do so by applying to F. H. Burr, Claverly 44, before Wednesday, March 28. In the application the names of the entire party must be given, and no applications for parties of other than eight or sixteen will be considered.

Several songs have already been submitted to the class dinner committee, the best of which will be selected to be sung at the dinner.
