At a conference of delegates from 13 universities held last Tuesday evening at the City Club of New York, an Inter-collegiate League of Civic Clubs was organized. A. G. Fox '69, president of the City Club and of the College Men's Political Association, presided at the meeting, and speeches were made by Mr. F. W. Hinrichs, a prominent graduate of Columbia, and by Mr. C. M. Jesup.
Thirty-eight delegates were present from the following universities: Amherst, Brown, Chicago, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Michigan, New York, Pennsylvania, Princeton, Williams and Yale. A. C. Blagden '06 and L. I. Neale '06 represented the University.
A constitution was provisionally adopted and the following officers were elected: president, W. S. Moorhead, Yale; vice-presidents, J. B. Blake, Chicago, A. C. Blagden '06 and D. T. McPherson, Princeton; secretary-treasurer, J. B. Spencer, Columbia. At the close of the meeting the convention took the midnight train for Washington, where the delegates were presented to President Roosevelt on Wednesday evening.
The federation will be non-partisan and purposes to serve as a bond of union between those members in American universities who believe in the study of public affairs as a means of increasing interest among students in the duties of citizenship and of raising the standards of politics in the United States.
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