

Preliminaries Tonight.--Finals Tommorw.--Good Prospects for University Team.

The Intercollegiate Fencing Association, which includes Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Cornell, Pennsylvania, West Point, Annapolis, and Princeton, will hold its annual championship tournament at the New York Athletic Club tonight and tomorrow afternoon and evening.

Tonight the preliminary bouts will be fenced, and the finals will take place tomorrow. In the preliminaries one man from each team will be assigned to each of the three strips, and will fence every other man on that strip. The five teams which win the greatest number of bouts tonight will compete in the finals tomorrow, which will be in the form of a round robin tournament.

Each college in the association has appointed a graduate to act as judge. Of these, six will be chosen to officiate together with three men chosen from the New York athletic clubs. Three judges will be H. St. Gaudens '03 has been appointed Harvard judge.

The University team consisting of A. Tyng sS., captain, W. L. Bowman 2L., W. MacLeod sL., and H. A. Hirsch 2L., substitute, left for New York yesterday.

The Intercollegiate Association has held twelve championship meets and of these the University team has won seven; the last victory, however, was in 1901. Success in this year's meet seems to be between the University team and that of West Point, as neither of these teams has been defeated this season. Either Bowman of the University team, F. Lage of Columbia or Williford of West Point should win the individual championship which will be awarded to the man winning the greatest number of bouts both today and tomorrow.
