
Association Football Begins Today

All candidates for the association football team will report in the Stadium this afternoon at 3 o'clock, when regular work will begin. Practice will be be held daily in the Stadium, and all men wishing to learn the game should come out.

The first game of the season will be played against Fort Warrens, Boston Harbor, in the Stadium on March 24, and the second against Haverford, at Haverford, on March 31. A cup has been presented by Captain Milnes of the Pilgrim All-England team, which visited this country last fall, to be awarded to the team winning during the coming season the championship of the Intercollegiate Association Football League.

The prospects for a good University team this year are encouraging. The following who were on the team last year are eligible again this year: B. H. Squires '06, captain; G. A. Gordon '06, A. V. Kidder '08, R. D. MacLaurin 3G., C. G. Mayer 2L., A. W. Reggio '08, L. B. Robinson '08, W. T. S. Thackara '08. There are also several Freshmen who have had experience in playing the game in Canada and at English schools. If the squad is large enough a class series will probably be arranged later.
